How To Verify YouTube Account: Step-By-Step Guide

Are you excited to verify your YouTube account? But still trying to figure out where and how to do it?

Don’t worry; you’re in the right place. In this step-by-step guide, I will help you teach how to verify it.

Once you have verified YouTube channel, you can access the following features:

Enable Monetization
Allow to upload longer videos (more than 15 minutes)
Do live-stream videos
Can able to appeal Content-ID Claims
Can able to upload custom thumbnails

Steps to Verify YouTube Account

Step 1:

Firstly, move on to the path. Otherwise, simply click here and move on to the YouTube accounts verify page. Also, make sure that you’re already logged in on your channel.

YouTube Account Verification Page

Here, select the verification code type you would like to receive to verify YouTube account. For example, I’m choosing to “Text me the Verification Code” type over Call.

Select Verification Code Type either Call or Text Message

Now, select your country. (Refer to the below image)

Select Your Country for Phone Verification

Step 2: Verify Phone Number

Finally, enter your phone number and click the GET CODE button.

Verify Your Channel With Verification Code

You will receive a YouTube verification code like the OTP process on your mobile to verify YouTube account. So, enter it on this Phone Verification page. (Check out the below image).

Received Phone Verification Code

Once you click the SUBMIT button, YouTube will validate and verify YouTube account and Phone number immediately. Hence, the success response message looks like this:

Phone Number Verified on YouTube

That’s all;

Step 3: Verify YouTube Account

To re-confirm and verify YouTube account, kindly move on to your channel.

  • Settings > Channnel > Feature Eligibility.

And here, you’ll see that the intermediate features are Enabled.

Intermediate Channel Features are Enabled on YouTube

In addition, when you visit the channel’s CREATE button. You could able to see the Go Live button.

Live Stream Enabled After Phone Number Verify

Also, for a video presentation, check out the below video:

YouTube video

FAQ of YouTube Verification

1) What if I’m receiving a verification code?

Generally, it might be few possibilities that you’re not receiving a verification code.
> Your phone number is already verified with a few more accounts.
> In case the message delivery system might be slow. Try after some time; if it continues, try with a voice call.

2) Why do I need to provide my phone number on YouTube?

Verify YouTube Channel: Firstly, it’s not mandatory. If you’ve not provided it, you’re missing some features like monetization requirements, etc,.from YouTube. However, to avoid spam and build channel security, YouTube comes up with channel verification.

3) How To Verify YouTube Channel on Mobile?

Firstly, it’s possible to verify the YouTube channel on mobile through any browser. Go to and do the rest of the process as it’s. Mentioned in the above steps.

I believe you have successfully verified the account on YouTube. Feel free to let me know your doubts in the comment section. Also, share this article with your YouTube partner.

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