How To Get Comments on YouTube Video: 6+ Tips, Strategies

How to get more comments on the YouTube video? – The question asked by many of the start-up content creators.

First of all, you have to think, why you need to get comments on YouTube. Is that give any juice to your YouTube channel growth or revenue?

Well, let’s discuss that deeply in this article.

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Generally, when it comes to making money or being popular on YouTube, you have to take care of small, small things like the quality of videos, YouTube SEO, marketing, and many more things.

In the same path, the YouTube algorithm considers the video ranking signal based on audience engagement on the video (one of the signals). For instance, the audience engaging places on the videos are,

  • Likes,
  • Dislikes,
  • Shares,
  • Watch time,
  • and last but not least, the Comment section.

In a nutshell, the more comments you get means, the more audiences interacting with your content. It’s a kind of good video ranking signal.

Hence, the YouTube algorithm thinks like โ€œOk, youโ€™re doing something great and providing value to the audience. So, I will place your video in a better position”.

For example, take a look at the SEO Giant Brian Dean video. He is ranking No.1 position for the keyword, “SEO checklist”.

YouTube comments statistics

Take a look at the above image. On average, he is getting 960+ comments on this single video. It clearly resembles, people prefer to watch his videos.

In the meantime, not only for video SEO, once you get tons of comments, it also helps to increase your enthusiasm to make better videos.

Ok, without further delay, let me walk through, how to get more YouTube comments in this post.

How to Get Comments on YouTube: 6 Tips

To be honest, getting comments initially on YouTube videos is a tricky task. However, it’s not rocket science. Once you follow these below techniques, you can able to see significant improvement in your comments bucket like I get.

YouTube Comments Analytics

#1) Do Controversial Videos

The first and foremost technique is to do controversial videos. 

The video topic is the key to getting more likes, dislikes, shares, and comments. Are you expecting to get more comments on the topic โ€œHow to boil water?โ€. If so, then you would end up upset.

Out of 10 videos from your channel, make at least 2 videos that make noises among the audience. In a nutshell, the topic of the video needs to raise a lot of โ€œout-of-box questionsโ€ or general discussion.

Take a reference from the below image. The comment is taken from the Altcoin channel video.

Conversational video to get user engagment on the comments

The topic (crypto) makes the audience discuss among themselves and create a lot of questions. Make sure that, the conversation must be healthier.

In the meantime, do deep research and analyze the niche before you make these kinds of videos. Because the audience will shoot you a lot of questions in the comment section. Literally, you have the answers for it. Keep in mind, โ€œYour audience is Your Responsibilityโ€.

#2) Make Mistakes in Figures

Mistakes happen. But lets we make it happen wanted (occasionally).

Well, the question is, to get comments why should I make an error/mistake in my videos?

The answer is, when you make a mistake in the video, people love to know about it to you in the comment section. This is one of the tricky ways.

Note: Don’t follow this trick for every video. If you’re starving to get a comment, then try it in any of your videos and observe the result.

The mistake should be minor. For example, making a spelling error or mentioning the graph figures wrongly in the video.

In a more specific, consider youโ€™re talking about โ€œinvesting finance tipsโ€ in the video and youโ€™re showcasing numbers in the video of how much to invest in stocks.

The number you’ve pronounced is $35, but displaying it on the screen is $135. This pushes the audience to correct you, right?

Moreover, it doesnโ€™t mean to fool the audience. What Iโ€™m trying to say is, it leads them to correct you.

Even many professional YouTubers follow this trick to get more comments on their channels.

#3) Ask Comment

As of now, do you have any questions to ask? If so, feel free to comment down.

Well, you can ask in the same way as I asked. Read the above line again.

One direct approach to getting more comments is by, asking them to comment when they have,

  • Doubts.
  • Suggestions.
  • Video Experiences.

Keep in mind always that, the audiences are your customer.

Asking audience to comment on the video

As I said before, the comment section is the first engagement point between you and your audience rather than email and social media platforms.

Example Template: Tell in your video like this, โ€œIn case, you guys have any doubts or suggestions, then kindly let me know in the comment section. I usually read and reply to all the comments โ€œ.

In the meantime, ask them to comment if there is an alternative for what you’re proposing.

For example, if you’re reviewing about Canva tool (Image editing software), then ask them to comment on the best alternative for Canva software.

You can use this technique in all your videos despite any kind of video niche.

Asking Comments research

In recent study conduct by StrangerShow (above image), a combination of 150 channels (80 small channels and 70 big channels), found that the channel asking to write comments getting more comments than the channel not asking comments to the audiences.

#4) Reply to the Comments on YouTube

The best way to responding and respecting your audience is by replying to their comments.

I have a habit of reply to all the comments that I got in all my blog posts and channel videos. Do you have that?

If not, then start doing that from now onwards.

In a nutshell, never fail to reply to a single useful comment. It simply resembles that youโ€™re responding to the audience and deliver importance to them.

Reply to the comments of YouTube Videos

When you reply to the comments, it makes the feel among the audience that, your channel is trustable and providing good user value. It leads them to ask more doubts in the comment section for future videos.

But, here the troublesome part is replying to the same kind of comment to a lot of audiences, right?

For example, the, again and again, writing comments from your sides are,

  • Thank you,
  • Welcome to onboard on the channel,
  • Awesome,
  • Thanks for your appreciation, keep supporting us,
  • and so on.

You may write these kinds of repetitive comment responses to the โ€œnโ€ number of users. To overcome this, use the Smart Reply option.

Yeah, to save time and work smartly to build the channel, use the โ€œSmart replyโ€ option provided by the TubeBuddy tool.

First of all, TubeBuddy is a YouTube-certified free browser extension tool. It provides a lot of options to manage and increase channel growth.

In addition to that, there is a feature in this tool called โ€œCanned Responseโ€, which is used to save the repetitive comment as a template and use by just select the templates instead of writing it again and again.

TubeBuddy Smart Comment Reply

Along with that, TubeBuddy helps to filter the comment section into different categories. For example (refer to below image), the comments you havenโ€™t replied to, the comments that contain links, the comment that has a question, and so on.

YouTube Comments filter by TubeBuddy

Use this convenient feature and try to reply to all the comments which you have and save time with the help of this tool.

Note: TubeBuddy comes with a mobile app also. So you can download it from either the play store or AppStore to use this feature from your smartphone.

#5) Make Collaboration Video

Making a collaboration video is a little difficult part for the new YouTuber. But when you make the hard happen, that’s where the success path begins.

Make Collaboration Video

First of all, collaboration video is nothing but, making video along with other creators in the niche. For example, refer to the below video.

This will bring the other channel audiences also to your table. Moreover, it makes noise in the comment bin.

In the meantime, collabs not only help to get comments but also increases the subscribers count.

Making a collaboration video is a win-win process.

#6) Raise the Questions

If your content is full of magic, then it will raise the questions automatically.

If not, then raise it manually.

In a nutshell, at the end of each video, raise the question of the discussed topic. Either it can be simple or complex, but raise it.

In the meantime, the question must be valuable and related to the video topic.

For example, you are making a biography video of some famous personality (an actor). Hence, the question might be like this,

Sample: Do you know, what job this famous personality did before he came to acting? If you know, then let me know in the comment section.

Take a look at the What IF channel,

What if Comment Section

All their videos make us think and raise questions. Well, their comment section is fully loaded.

Likewise, you can ask one or two questions to get more comments on your videos. To be honest, this approach is proven by many successful YouTuberโ€™s.

#7) Avoid Troll comments

Avoid negativity and focus more on positive comments.

For example, 1 out of 100 comments, you might face troll or exceeding limit comments. What you need to do is, must have to ignore those comments.

Reply to the bad comments

Because when you reply to these kinds of comments, the reputed audienceโ€™s might put bad identity on your channel. Donโ€™t engage with bad and useless comments for the sake of getting more YouTube comments.

Instead of taking it as negativity, consider these commented people’s are your haters.

Once a wise man said, the haterโ€™s are your motivators.

Theyโ€™ll always tease you. Ignore them, and work for the channel growth. Let the success makes noise.

Above all, if a particular channel or user annoying you continuously, then you can able to disable or hide their comments permanently throughout your channel.

Thanks to YouTube for providing this useful feature.

Steps to hide the comments from an annoying person.

  1. First of all, go to YouTube studio by click here.
  2. Move on to the settings tab on the left side. Here click the community tab.
  3. Now add the user in the “Hidden Users” option. Refer to the below image.
Hidden User option to hide the annoying comments on YouTube

Also, you can add the words you want to review in “Blocked words”. Sometimes abusive words may come into your comment bucket. If you wish to keep it clean, then use this “Blocked words” option.

Blocked words to review the comments

#Bonus Tip: Comments Analytics

Analyze your channel and find the video which gets more comments. Sit and investigate what’s more specific in that video.

YouTube Analytics for the Comments

Examine, what age people are watching that video.

Once you get all the data, now try to follow the same video flow technique in the upcoming video.

Analyzing channel analytics and improvising the video is the best approach to build channel growth.

How to Read Comments on YouTube App?

As you’re a part-time YouTuber, you might only have time to respond to the comments during your relaxation time with your mobile.

So, here let me explain how to read and reply to the comments on YouTube from a smartphone through the app.

First of all, you need to have a YouTube studio app. Download from the store.

Once you installed it, do the sign-in process with your channel account and go to Dashboard. For reference, check out the below image.

Read comments on YouTube studio app

Now, click the menu icon on the top left corner.

How to read comments from YouTube studio app

Here, you’ll see the “Comments” option and get into it.

This is the place to see and reply to comments from your smartphone.

FAQโ€™s: Get More Comments on YouTube

1) Tips to get more comments on YouTube videos?

As discussed above follow these steps to get more comments.
1)ย Make collaboration and shoutout videosย 
Raise questions at the end of each videoย 
Never reply to troll commentsย 
4)ย Do controversial videosย 
Check comment analytics regularlyย 
6)ย Ask them to comment on the doubts.

2) Why Are YouTube Comments Off?

First of all, check your settings if that comment is enabled or disabled. In the meantime, if the channel is made for kids, then there is a chance of comments are turned off.

3) I can able to reply to the comments through mobile?

Yes, you can able to reply to the comments from your mobile. For a better experience, you can install the YouTube studio app.

Also Read,


Pulling the audience’s attention is a difficult part of the YouTube channel. But with a little spoon of smart work, will make it happen.

I believe you understand the useful techniques of how to get comments on YouTube. In case, you have doubts, then feel free to ask me in the comment section. Also, share this post on Facebook.

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2 thoughts on “How To Get Comments on YouTube Video: 6+ Tips, Strategies”

  1. Youtube popularity is a number, a measure. You don’t need to look for it, it looks for you. Youtube comments is important in all those things, where a measure is important, where the people have to choose from different options. Youtube is the best platform to promote your videos. The best way to get youtube popularity is to get more youtube comments on your video. These views will increase your youtube popularity and help you to rank in youtube searches. People will like your video and share your video with their friends if your video is interesting. If your video is interesting and people want to share it, then it will gain views.

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