11 Big Mistakes New YouTubers Make: Lost 100K Views

Mistakes New YouTubers Make: As a fellow content creator, I made many mistakes in YouTubing at my early stage. Through practice and help from senior creators, it’s solved when the day goes.

Big Mistakes YouTuber's Make

If I had corrected those mistakes early, I might have been better than now. I suspect that I lost 100K + views during that phase. Well, I can’t undo it. But, I can help my readers never make those mistakes in their channel.

That’s why this post. In this article, I will explain the 11 Big Mistakes new YouTubers make and how to solve them.

Mistakes New YouTubers Make

The main reason many newbie creators make mistakes on YouTube is a lack of YouTubing knowledge. I’m 100% sure that, after you read this post, it will change your lifestyle on YouTube better than now.

1) Title: High Competitive

The creator’s simple mistake is not optimizing the title for better results. Writing the title without property research and search analysis is terrible and will not work in this generation.

So, what to do?

Firstly, before making the video, define the title and inject your core keyword into that. And then find out how much the title’s monthly search volume and competition.

Consider the title has a high search volume and high competition. In such a case, you can’t be able to make the video to get more views. 

On the other hand, if the title has less search volume and less competition, it has a 96% rank well and gets more views on YouTube.

That’s how you’ve to create your video title. But many new YouTubers write the title, what they get into their mind without doing the analysis.

However, how can I find a low-competitive title for my video? The answer you will get from the tool called TubeBuddy.

TubeBuddy Keyword Explorer

Also, you can find the search volume, related keywords, and strengths from this tool.

2) Thumbnail: Performance

I got to know that many new YouTube creators were not making custom thumbnails. That’s the YouTubers’ biggest mistake they make.

When people get into YouTube, they first see any video’s thumbnail. If that thumbnail locks the viewer’s attention, it grabs them to watch the video.

In a nutshell, the thumbnail is the first contact point between the audience and the video, then only the video title.

Let me explain why thumbnails are essential and help to rank your videos.

You need to put extra effort into your thumbnail for two reasons. 

  • One is the YouTube algorithm reads the images, texts, and objects on the thumbnail and positions your video based on its thumbnail relativity. For more information, read here.
  • The other reason is audiences get attracted by impressive thumbnails rather than simple ones.

For example, I added two different thumbnails for the same video here. Can you choose which one is best and get more clicks?

Good Custom Thumbnail Experience
First Thumbnail
Second Thumbnail
Second Thumbnail

Ok, I’m sure you’ve chosen the first thumbnail because it has more details, is simple in design, and is attractive compared to the second thumbnail image.

So, all you need to do is create an attractive thumbnail that is easy to understand by both humans and machines. Then the click-through rate and views will increase automatically.

Note: I recommend you decide on the title and thumbnail before making the video. It helps to keep around the topic while making videos.

3) First 30 Seconds

Once the viewer enters your video, your ultimate goal is to hold them throughout it.

Does the audience have bits of patience in watching the video? Definitely Not.

YouTubers who never make a hook quickly will lose the viewer as soon as the audience gets into the video.

So, what to do? 

Well, here I list the dos and dont’s on your video for audience engagement.

  • Don’t add a long-time channel trailer. That ignites the audience’s boring hormone.
  • Don’t talk about your introduction part a longer time.
  • Add the resultant video glimpse at the beginning of the video to ensure that the viewer will get the results after watching the entire video.

The fast you get into the video topic, the better it makes the result. Also, don’t get into profanity issues when making the first hook.

4) Lag in Core Content

YouTubers must provide value to audiences through their videos. As I said before, audiences have less patience and seek fast solutions.

But newbie creators failed to stay strong on video content. I have seen many creators redirect their topic in the middle of the video.

For example, explaining more about sponsorship products in the video. It makes less conversion and also impacts audience retention.

If you want to include promotions, add them only related to the niche and only if it’s helpful to the audience. Also, only promote the products if you use them and get better experiences.

5) Failed Results

When the video doesn’t meet the result with a guaranteed title and thumbnail is the worst mistake any YouTuber makes.

For instance, consider the video title and thumbnail related to how to become rich in 1 day. 

When the viewer watches the entire video without valid information about becoming rich in 1 day, he will lose confidence in your channel.

So, false information and clickbait activities affect your channel’s credibility.

6) Final Hook

Well, consider you successfully make the audience watch your entire video. 

But, in the end, when you do not have any surprises to keep them as your subscriber or to watch other related videos, you’re missing your audience engagement with your channel.

So, how to solve this and convert viewers to subscribers?

Let me give you a few tips on that:

  • Add an End Screen video at the end of the video. Keep in mind that the video should be related to the current video.
  • Leave a mystery to the viewer to watch the following video with specified kind of information and add that video to Card.
  • Add the Watermark subscriber button in the video at the end of a few seconds.

7) Consistency

Do you know why many YouTubers fail and where they make mistakes?

The answer is a Lack of Consistency. 

I highly recommend you maintain your consistency level on your channel.

During my initial stage on YouTuing, I put one video regularly for 15 to 20 days, and I lost interest and left that.

That’s the worst mistake I ever made on that channel.

Your new videos will not get views for the first few months. That makes you stop uploading videos. Kindly don’t do that.

Be patient, and have consistency in your upload.

8) Niche Care

How do you keep your skin and hair care? Likewise, follow the niche care.

For the sake of affiliate results and paid promotions, creators make unrelated niche videos. This leads you to create less valuable videos.

Videos are acceptable if you’re a food reviewer discussing vegetable usage. But when you overtake that advantage to review some Amazon gadgets that don’t fit your niche leads to losing your subscribers.

So, always stick with your channel niche and make more in-depth videos.

9) Community Engagement

YouTube brings more options to connect with audiences easily than before. For example, a few years back, the only contact point between you and your audience was the comment section.

But nowadays, there are many options to connect, like YouTube Shorts and Create LIVE video.

I realized that many creators were not making YouTube Shorts. They are missing the golden opportunities that YouTube provides. 

Do you know one thing? 

Short videos will not bring you more money from Adsense. But it brings you more visitors and subscribers to watch your long-form videos.

The more you engage with audiences, the better results you will see from your revenue.

10) Analytics Report

YouTube Analytics provides a better experience for video performance.

Like what age people are watching your video, locations, where they dropped it, etc,. to understand why the videos are not getting views.

You only need to analyze those reports and fix your drawback in the upcoming videos.

You don’t need to produce 0 flaw videos. Instead, you can minimize your flaws in future videos. It helps!

11) Giving up too soon

New YouTubers’ major mistake is giving up too soon on YouTube once they don’t see the result quickly.

YouTube is not an overnight success. Look at your inspired creator and those creators’ initial stage videos. 

They struggled a lot to achieve this stage. Today might be challenging, and tomorrow might be too hard. But you will get the success track on the day after tomorrow.

Just hum this slogan always and keep grinding.

That’s all in this post. I believe you understand the big mistakes YouTubers make and how to solve them. Let me know what else you need help with in the comment section. Happy to help.


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