How To Link Shorts to Long-Form YouTube Videos

This article will show how to link the Shorts with long-form YouTube videos. Hence, you can drive more traffic to your videos from Short.

Firstly, when you pin the long-form video link to the comment section or description, it may not be clickable on Short videos.

Alternatively, YouTube introduced a new feature called Related Video, which lets the long-form video link to the Shorts video itself.

Now, without further delay, let’s see how to do that. Before that, check out the image below; this is how the related long-form video link will added to your Short videos.

Link Long Form YouTube Videos

When audiences clicks that, it will take them to the linked YouTube long-form video. Ok, will see the step-by-step guide below.

Also, if you want to skip the reading, then watch the below video for better understanding:

YouTube video

Step 1: Complete Verification

I hope you have already completed the following verifications on your YouTube channel:

  • Standard Features
  • Intermediate Features
  • Advanced Features
Advanced Features are not enables

If not, complete all three, which is mandatory for us to proceed with the further steps.

To do that, Go to YouTube Studio > Settings > Channel > Feature Eligibility.

Complete the Phone and Video verification to enable these features and Save the settings.

Step 2: Open YouTube Shorts Video

As mentioned above, once you’ve completed the verification, you can only link the long-form YouTube videos to Shorts. I hope you did.

Now, either upload the new Short video or edit the existing video.

Edit YouTube Shorts

Once you reach the video details page, scroll down on the right side and select the Related Video option.

Add Long Form Videos to Shorts Video through Related Videos

YouTube will display a list of related videos from your channel library. To link the shorts with long-form video, select the video that is relevant to them.

That’s it, guys; now, hit the Save button.

This is how you can add related videos and link long-form videos to short videos. Read the paragraph below if you’re doing the same from a mobile device.

  • Go to YouTube Studio and select the Shorts.
  • Then, click the Edit icon from the selected short video.
  • Choose Related Video and then select the video from the list.
Related Video from Mobile

That’s it, guys. This is the simple way to link the Short video to YouTube Long-form videos on mobile and desktop.

Feel free to let us know any doubts in the comment section. I will reply to every comment, even repetitive questions.

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